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seanbk @ kyonkennels.com | kklouman @ kyonkennels.com

Rest in Peace Haley

Rest in Peace Haley

We are deeply saddened to let you know that our beloved HALEY ( Kyon’s Haley’s Comet https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=484804 ) has passed away, as of this morning, well into her 14th year. We are heartbroken for her retirement owners, our dear friends; Ed and Anita McDougald, in whose home Haley has lived for the past 7-plus years.
 Haley was the sweetest dog imaginable and always had a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes, combining the very best qualities of her sire Mick and her dam Star. She was always wagging her tail- right up until today- when she was kindly and gently let go.
This sudden passing took us all by surprise as Haley had been so robustly strong, until mid-last week, when she suddenly went down with what seemed like a textbook vestibular incident, which she sadly could not recover from.
 Anita wrote the following: “Karin, thanks again for all your help, advice, and support as we say goodbye to another wonderful Kyon Golden. Who can ever forget the sweetest girl ever? The girl with the beautifully sparkling eyes, the endlessly wagging tail and the big smile? The girl who gave us over 7 years of love and joy as she happily retired in our home. We loved her so. We will remember her with great happiness as she gave us so much of that “.
Rest In Peace, darling HALEY, and thank you for always being the one spreading sunshine and love. We will never forget you and we will carry the memory of you, in our hearts forever. A better dog we have never known. ❤
Our deepest condolences and much gratitude goes out to Ed and Anita.

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