We would like to write a note here about the so-called English cream Golden Retriever phenomenon: There simply is no such thing – nor are there any “rare white” Golden Retrievers! There are, however, Golden Retrievers of many shades of gold; ranging from the very light cream to very dark ones.
At KYON we have owned/bred British style Golden Retrievers since 1970 and many of our dogs have – from the very onset – been of cream colouring. We have, however, ALWAYS valued the full colour spectrum in our Golden Retrievers. We would also never dream of claiming that those of our dogs that are of cream colour are more “valuable” or “rare” than those of our dogs that are of a more golden colour. The below photo of the 5 KYON dogs sitting shows our typical colour range.

In recent years there, unfortunately, have been marketing strategies in place which have given customers the incorrect impression that it is only the very light cream colour that distinguishes a Golden Retriever of British style from the more American Style Golden. This is totally incorrect, as the British standard allows for any shade of cream or gold.
The cream-coloured Golden Retrievers are furthermore not any healthier, nor do they live any longer than their more Golden-coloured counterparts.
A well-bred Golden Retriever – of any colour-shade – is most likely to have exceptional health and longevity IF :
• There is an individual breeding program in place, which is focused on longevity
• There is long experience and in-depth pedigree-knowledge by the breeder
• There is a clear emphasis on health clearances in place
• There is a carefully developed line in place, where early-onset cancer is very rare
• Proper structure is emphasized in the breeding program
At KYON we have had very light British style cream Golden Retrievers for 5 decades. We have, however, never bred for colour – but rather we have carefully kept longevity and health in mind, right from the very start.
The pups from our very first litter ALL made it into their 17th year. That set the standard very high for us as breeders and this bar has nothing to do with the colour of the dogs. From that first litter of 6 pups; 1 was a rich gold, 1 was medium gold, 2 were pale gold and 2 were cream. Their sire was a handsome cream boy and their dam a lovely rich golden. Ever since that time we have valued the whole spectrum of golden and cream colour in the British style Golden Retriever.
We are possibly most known for our very light Golden Retrievers, however, we also breed many dogs that range from a light honey to a rich golden in colour. Most importantly, we have never based any breeding decision on colour.
It is our long experience and our carefully developed KYON line that ensures the health and longevity of our golden Retrievers, not their colour. The below standing dogs further illustrate the full colour spectrum of our Kyon golden retrievers- from the palest cream to a rich gold.