Celebrating Glory – now in her 14th year!
We are so very grateful to Karon Hunt who is our darling Glory’s retirement owner. GLORY ( Kyon’s Glory Days https://www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=516283 ) has now started her 14th year and is spreading love and sunshine wherever she goes- leading a very full and rewarding life.
Glory lived with us until she retired from maternal duties at 6 years of age, at which time she moved to Karon’s home, where she immediately and happily became her very accomplished service dog. This kind of life suits our sweet girl perfectly. Glory loves whomever she comes into contact with- be this other service dogs, or any family pet dogs, Alpacas, cats, parrots and most of all she LOVES children of all ages.
We are so proud of this lovely girl of ours and are eternally grateful to Karon for making sure Glory’s life is so rich and meaningful.
Belated happy 13th birthday, sweet GLORY. You are simply the best!!
We are very happy that Glory remains in many of our current-day pedigrees, especially through her stunning son PARKER (ch Kyon’s can’t get no satisfaction).