715513 1’st line EHS Mono, ON L9V 1A9, Canada
seanbk @ kyonkennels.com | kklouman @ kyonkennels.com

Happy 14th birthday to Sheaman!

Happy 14th birthday to Sheaman!

On May 1st/03 we celebrated Sheaman’s 14th birthday. The ultimate clown, he is still as playful as he ever was. This marvelous dog (with his strikingly handsome looks) continues follow in the footsteps of his long-lived ancestors. Sheaman, like his father (Shea) and his mother (Clemmy), has no idea that he is ever supposed to slow down with old age. Instead puppyhood seems if to be returning in full force.

In marvelous spirits and in excellent health, Sheaman spends his days wandering loose, making the kennel-office his point of frequent return – as he is convinced he personally rules over the whole kennel. Although Sheaman is a frequent visitor to our house, he is only content to stay in our home for a little while – before he has to return to the kennel, to inspect all that is happening there. Sheaman sees it as his job to welcome every new boarder or customer that enters our office and with his tremendous charm and perpetual smile he wins everybody over..

Although now starting on his 15th year, Sheaman still has incredible stamina and a strong will to keep going. He still can retrieve for hours on end, hunt for any wild-life around – and he is still marvelously birdy. Sheaman has been known to catch many a bird in mid-air and he has brought us both a live pheasant and several live pigeons, caught in this manner. Although no longer quite able to do this feat, he still tries to – with tremendous heart and courage – any chance he gets. To cheer himself up when he fails at anything, Sheaman then often wears his feed-bowl on top of his head – or goes into my purse where he selects my lipstick – which he then partly eats and otherwise smears all over.

Always an enthusiastic dog, Sheaman still runs up and down stairs – hunts throughout our bush and swamp – and joins in the fun everytime any children play soccer or baseball.

Sheaman is a BIS winner and a GRCC outstanding sire as well as a multiple veteran and stud-dog winner at specialties. He has made a tremendous impact on our breeding program, through his many daughters and now through his son Sheaster.

Sheaman continues to bring such joy and so much laughter to our lives – and we dearly hope to have him around for many more years to come.

Happy birthday to our 14 year old perpetual puppy!!

Sheaman was bred by Liz Sherren (Sherhaven reg’d)

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